North Korea
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Author:  PeterScott [ Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  North Korea

Amazing how many people in the West are getting wound up over North Korea's latest shenanigans. Must just not be old enough to remember even the last ten times they pulled this crap. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose from bellicosity without real action. Vice-versa if they were to actually, like, do anything.

The South Koreans understand this. The USA, less so, I think, or they would have pulled their forces out long ago. (There again, the US still has forces in Germany and Britain... why?) Does anyone here seriously think there's the slightest chance that North Korea would do anything more than firing the occasional round across the DMZ?

Author:  JamesGifford [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Korea

Well, it's the UK papers that seem to be squawking the loudest and silliest about this. :)

As someone who has been aware of the number of times the Norks have rattled their rusty sabre, I will say that there seems to be a more serious edge to this event; both lil Kimmy and the US are using language and so forth that's escalated the level of the challenge.

This is also the first time we have Norks with (1) nukes; (2) medium and long range missiles and (3) a new and utterly untried leader who desperately needs to be taken seriously by His Dear People. I would not be surprised if they do something on the stupid scale, even if it's not nuking Seattle or Kona.

Author:  NickDoten [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Korea

in actuality the korean war has never ended- in 1953 all that was agreed upon is a truce and ongoing negotiations- they continue to this day- do the south koreans fear the north will ever again roll across the 38th parallel ? sadly they do live with this fear and it's fanned by history and the bellicosity of the kim regimes - many years ago i was stationed 20 miles south of the dmz (we were told our life expectancy was approx 20 minutes if a full attack was launched)- there were (and are) constant incidents and provocations by the north with a resultant escalation of the fear level and scrambling to ready for what appears more insanity from the north- the fact they now hold nuclear weapons (and the capacity to deliver them) only drives the fear factor even higher- being ruled by a gang of one means anything is possible- do i believe north korea will provoke a renewal of the war ? only if they wish to committ suicide as a nation- they would be annihilated- but the resulting devastation would certainly be immense for both the south and the north- you desire a sure sign the north is totally nuts ? embracing, as an honored guest of state, dennis rodman ( all around kook and ex-nba player) - we (south korea, the us, and other allies) should remain vigilant and be prepared to cope with an insane act by the north.

Author:  sakeneko [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Korea

Author:  PeterScott [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: North Korea

I don't see anything to get worked up about. It's part of the theater that the US feigns official trepidation. "Why yes, we are scared of you. No. Don't. Stop." It reinforces the NorKo ego and maintains the status quo. North Korea has to puff up its chest and look dangerous or their own people will start wondering why they're enduring such privation.

The only real threat here is an accident, like if a NoKo rocket goes off course and hits Japan by mistake.

Author:  NickDoten [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: North Korea

when decisions, regarding nuclear weapon use, are solely in the hands of a single unstable man the dangers of it's use increase expotentially- maintaining our current diplomatic scolding, rather than assuming a harder line, doesn't provoke a potential madman- there's too much at stake (how many south koreans will be lost? how many japanese? how many in the north? how many us troops? how much will it cost if this is set in motion?) one course is assure kim that his use of these weapons will be dealt with- as in "you and your country will be dead for a crime against humanity". kim has been even disturbing china, their supposed, pretty much only, ally- the chinese has begun publically critcizing kim and his government's provocative actions- bascially, the world must rein in kim however they can. if there's an error, it must be on the conservative side- IMHO :)

Author:  PeterScott [ Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: North Korea

You assume the weapons are under the sole control of the one guy. Perhaps it just looks that way. North Korea has long had a massive standing army, fully capable of overrunning the South in a heartbeat. No errant order or madcap hot flash sent them into action in the last fifty years, though. Sure, there would have been dire consequences. Just as there are now.

So they have nukes. So do India and Pakistan. The doomsday predictions of a territorial war between the two failed to materialize. This is just how North Korea gets the world to take it seriously enough to give it some resources, seeing as they have essentially none of their own.

Author:  JamesGifford [ Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Korea

Author:  PeterScott [ Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: North Korea

Author:  JackKelly [ Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: North Korea

I would not be at ALL surprised if North Korea launched a full scale assault on South Korea. They're just crazy enough to do it. If they did, Seoul would be obliterated in the first 20 minutes, as the North has something like 3,000 (conventional) short range missiles pointed at them. It would be a nasty affair, requiring much American bloodshed. Don't be at all surprised if it happens. If the North pulls out the nukes, look for the first American use of nuclear weapons since Nagasaki, and for Pyongyang to become a flat, round glowing spot on the map. I hope they're bluffing, 'cause it would be a freaking disaster.

Author:  PeterScott [ Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: North Korea

Bluffing makes perfect sense. Glorious Leader is cementing his new position with his people. Expect a last minute announcement about how his determination and strength has won concessions for DPRK and stared down the mighty USA. The people (having no other source of news) will rejoice that they are again in safe hands. It could hardly be more predictable.

Author:  PeterScott [ Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: North Korea

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